Boudoir Bucket List | Chicago, IL

Last week a client told me a story. A friend of hers wrote down a list of all the things she was waiting to do until she was “skinny” and, ready or not, she was going to tackle that list right now.

I absolutely love this. There are so many things in life that we want to do, but we find ourselves waiting until we’re ready. I am guilty of this, too! For a long time, I postponed working towards my goals because I was waiting until I was more confident. The funny thing is that taking action before I felt “ready” is what lead me to the confidence I was seeking.

So what are you waiting for? Until you are skinny? Confident? Ready?

I challenge you to make a list of all of the things you are waiting to do UNTIL - and start freaking doing them. NOW!!

And if an empowering photoshoot makes it on your list, then I will be here ready to make it happen for you!


Stephanie Toland

Hi! I'm Stephie and I'm always on the move. Can you keep up?