Finding Confidence in Front of the Camera

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77% of women are camera shy, citing that they often feel self-conscious or uncomfortable having their photo taken.



Are you one of the many women who experience anxiety when they see a camera? Have you put off a photo shoot because you feel awkward? Here are 10 TIPS to help you feel more comfortable in front of the camera.

  1. PRACTICE. Check yourself out in front of the mirror ahead of time to find your best angles and get comfortable moving.

  2. GET A GOOD NIGHT’S SLEEP. There is a reason it’s call beauty sleep! Stay in and head to bed early the night before your shoot so you are well rested and camera ready.

  3. STAY HYDRATED. Avoid alcohol and other beverages that dehydrate you. Drink lots of water to elevate your mood and make your skin glow.

  4. TREAT YOURSELF. Use your photo shoot as an excuse for some extra self-care by scheduling an appointment to get your hair and makeup done.

  5. SHOP YOUR CLOSET. Choose clothing that makes you feel confident in your body. If you don’t love the way you look in it, don’t bring it to your shoot!

  6. BE PREPARED. Try all of your outfits on ahead of time. Pack your bag the night before and arrive early to your session so you are stress free and camera ready.

  7. ASK QUESTIONS! Lean on the expertise of your photographer and chat with them beforehand so you feel more at ease.

  8. DON’T RUSH. Take your time, breathe and let your photographer direct you through your photo shoot.

  9. HAVE FUN! Your best images will happen when you are relaxed so try to loosen up and have fun!

  10. BE BOLD. Be bold and face your fears. Trying new things cultivates confidence and your newfound confidence will shine through in your photos.

Stephanie Toland

Hi! I'm Stephie and I'm always on the move. Can you keep up?