Boudoir Photography Chicago, Professional Photo Studio Chicago

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Fine Art Nude Pregnancy Portraits

Maternity Sessions for the Bold & Beautiful!

I’m always blown away by how many pregnant women come to my photo studio and say, ”This is my time, I’m ready - I want to get naked.” 😂 🙌 Their boldness is so surprising - I love it!

Have you ever noticed that major life changes are often accompanied by newfound boldness? I swear that I’m not making this up! Something massive changes in your life and suddenly you’re taking bigger risks.  

I remember a big life change of my own that happened during college. It was a series of events that spurred my decision to pursue my passion for dance - instead of something safe or practical. I was made aware of my limited amount of time and took a bold step in the direction of my dreams. 

I notice this “boldness phenomenon” the most with my maternity clients. Many of them have fought long and hard to become pregnant. These women are proud of their bodies, excited for the future, and at peace with the changes taking place.

You would think that this newfound vulnerability would make them more self-conscious, but something about pregnancy releases their inhibitions.

Perhaps pregnancy highlights the fact that life is moving forward rapidly and you can’t sit around waiting for perfect timing. The best time to take action is now. I love it when women choose to be bold. I truly believe that the boldest actions come from the most vulnerable places

You don’t have to be pregnant to make the decision to do something amazing for yourself! When things start to feel too stagnant in my own life I’m always looking for ways to get out of my comfort zone and take a risk. As my favorite poet Robert Frost said, “Freedom lies in being bold.”

To see additional bold choices some women have made in their photo shoots, visit my full maternity portfolio. Ready to make your own bold move? Contact me!

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